Tuljun is a lifestyle eco-community that is oriented to social and cultural engagement with our hosts the 'Wirri Aboriginals'.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Eco Village

While driving home Laura and I had a lot of time to talk and think, and the usual issues came up; Women, Kids, Socialization etc. And we came up with an idea. The idea is basically bits borrowed from other intentional communities that move in a direction similar toTuljun and based on some experiences I have had and some of the things I wish I had had.

The gist of it is trying to install a "starter culture", by a few of us getting together and builing several small dwellings etc. and also, importantly, building a decent sized communal permaculture garden, and then making the dwellings etc. avaliable for rent.

Some of the benefits of this could be;

Bringing people in who aren't "pioneer" types, as my brother put it, but have an interest in the final idea of the co operative, and may have a valuable role in a functioning co operative, but aren't the types that would adapt well to the more daunting task of starting off.

Bringing in new ideas and diversity

Providing a great space for some who for whatever reasons aren't prepared to commit to membership

Providing an example for some who may in the future become members

Bring cashflow into the co operative

Bring more women and kids (families)

Help provide food security and provide a model of what systems can work on the mountain

It would be a fantastic place for people who are musicians, artists etc. to bug out for a while and follow their muse without nasty interferrence from parts of society that cause a lot of worry (both Laura and I would have loved an opportunity like that).

It could also be a seed that starts off an attraction to international visitors and perhaps could lead into some kind of eco tourism?

If gobar gas and some sort of microgrid were incorporated, it could help provide the infrastructure for festival.

I personally know of a few different demographics to which this idea could be attractive.

There are also a few networks out there that could supply volunteers to help build a project like this, and share skills.

The rent could be fairly cheap couldn't it?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

BBQ's, Meetings, Information Days.

From time to time there are BBQ's so that interested parties and existing members can rub shoulders and offer the opportunity to get to know each other in a social atmosphere. Essentially this is where initial exchange of views and information begins as part of the process of gaining membership to Tuljun Boolaroo.

Next BBQ;


If visiting Tuljun Boolaroo it would be an advantage for you to have a 40channel CB.  It can be a one day affair or if you have the gear and want to camp over that'd be excellent. . If you wish to come along let me know via the email bob@tuljun.com.