Tuljun is a lifestyle eco-community that is oriented to social and cultural engagement with our hosts the 'Wirri Aboriginals'.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Power, Phone & Water (click link)

Phone is available via the satellite link as is TV and internet connection. Some areas are eligible for subsidized phone and broadband internet .The Federal Government's initiative for rural solar power assistance has been suspended.  Because of the unsustainablity and cost of fossil-fuel-generated power viable alternatives are being encouraged. Any suggestions? Storage for drinking-water  is the responsibility of the share-holder and a minimum of 60k litres is recommended per household.


  1. I must admit here that the use of solar energy as my primary source of electrical energy was prompted by the high operational cost of fossil fuel. Since installing Solar panels there has been the sub prime debacle and massive increases in fuel costs. Where as it would originally have taken me 5.5 years to recoup the difference in fuel to installation costs, Solar/gasoline, that has been reduced to 4years. All within one year of installation. If things go as predicted I could be in credit within 2 years. I might feel smug except that everything else I purchase is now inflated.


    A few more notes about stuff you've probably already considered.

    Some of the interesting gadgets on the internet include a design for Methane Digester made from plastic rainwater tanks, running on poo and/or sweet/starchy vegetable waste.
    I havent located my copy of the pdf available at present to send you, but the interesting point of the digestor is that it runs much faster on starchy or sweet scrap, apparently even running on sugar. Bacteria stock is initially from cowpoo, and crushed termites - as apparently termites have gut bacteria to handle wood starches. The system starts on starch and is eased over to sugars to encourage rapid production of gas. 1000 liters of water, and 1 or 2kg of sugar a day. Seems they are used in china india tibet as waste disposal and energy producers.

    This site seems to offer a plethora of free plans. http://www.builditsolar.com/index.htm

    I see you have a diesel landcruiser, possibly with a 2h engine, (which has the engine oil lubricated jerk type inline pump. I have a 84 HJ60.
    Apparently these can be converted to run (part time) on Waste Vegetable Oil, using a small tank of dino diesel to preserve the pump when not in use.


    Have been looking at it myself for a while, and it seems getting a clean burn to avoid contaminating the sump oil and making a thick sludge is the thing to watch out for.
    Possibly adding a water electrolyser may help as it allegedly increases the percentage of fuel burnt.

    Seems the guy who collects a lot of WasteVegeOil around Mackay is Mark Henry, of Kuttabull. Not sure if he sells WVO or just the biodiesel he makes from it.

    ( For further information contact Mark Henry on 0418755311 )

  3. We are runing out of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. {Louis Lapin} "Lapins Quartily"

  4. A few solar links that might be useful / interesting from Ian BROOKS.

    I cant vouch for any of these companys or their products/services, as I havent met or dealt with them. Found them by searching google and tv news storys on ABC.

    I would guess that being far from the grid, Tuljun sites probably wont qualify for resiential solar power grants, but might for rural subsidies to replace generator sets.

    the GOv site about rural generator replacement programs, and the need to arrange approvals for a system BEFORE purchasing. And lots of other requirements I havent yet interpretted / understood :) .
    Also has forms relating to solar powered pumping, which might be useful for water supply.

    a mob near Brisbane who bulk buy solar panels and inverters and pass on most of the savings to a group, (but take about three months to get their order after closing date , apparently). Next order closing date seems to be Feb 2009.

    They seem to be close to sustainable Malaney
    SM page has links to 'free solar power' about 2/3 way down page. Free for ppl getting the gov Residential system rebate
    http://www.freesolar.com.au/home.html )

    is also linked out from Local Power as a cheaper system provider. quoting about 8500 for a 1000watt system.

    a FAQ list on grid connected solar panel systems.

    Brisbane solars store, (which doesnt work from their front page).

    ABC news search for tags solar-energy
    has links to solar rickshaws in india, silicon smelters in WA, and newer technology news on ANU/ chinese cooperation to make better /cheaper panels. ( http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/09/24/2373129.htm )
